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Fender Classic Player Baja Telecaster
Fender Classic Player Baja Telecaster
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Cuki79 Cuki79
Published on 01/18/09 at 06:20
I think everything has t says:
Mine is made of four pices of Frne. It PSE 3.3 kg (a feather from my Les Paul). Keith is the blonde ... There is a real flavor of 52 '

NB: I tried a heavy trs Brussels and a further + lgre Pigalle.

Ct finiton can be two-three remnants of glue at the end of the frets (minor). And the plate and screwed the wrong switch ... Nothing that is screwed back. (I bought it in stores so the vendor ad rgler open to the handle.)

For the shield I confirm that a real antenna c'tait store ... At home nothing. Any fawn, it's not hard to shield, there are plenty of tutorial on the net that shows how.


The handle is enjoyable trs. I admit that it's tough but you get used to rev quickly. Caution is not a highway, it's a telecaster. Amateur Ibanez Jackson and other super fast ... go your way. I think the varnish trs enjoyable and roots (compared to the Lite Ash has a quick polish trs).


It's a versatile guitar but trs size for rock and country (I got). I think the pickups are beacoup thinner than those of the Highway (which are those of the classic sries Mex). I love the bass that gives its beautiful clean sound. The acute lack a little bite, but a fix is ​​on the wrist I think.

I think the switch makes a difference. It sounds like a strato ... In the beginners I had no intention at all of the useful but in fact it's really not bad!

I play rock (Stones. ..) and pop (Arctic Monkeys ...). I use a Fender Champ XD any lamp. Simulation Fender Twin or AC-30 with little gain. I love this scratching.


I just bought it but I tried many over the place. I pay 600 euros. It's expensive 100 euros + 30 euros and in England more than in Germany. Yet I travel a lot but I am Fidler to local vendors, ESG has to buy me a guitar by mail order.

This guitar is gniale.

Before I tried:
- The ash lite (very good sound "tele"). Trs enjoyable, but the coating of the handle is too "cort" I got. Look great. I have a lot hsit.
- The standard Mex. Micros drafts (I Got)
- The highway: slamming his trs, trs aige. At first glance trssduisant, but I think we get tired ... Varnish a little cardboard, such as Gibson faded. The guitarist plays with my group ... so I wanted no one has exactly the same sound. NB: For the rock is well trs.
- The American Standard and 52 ': Well I just had not ben enough dosh or else ... I would say that the baja has not blush before the American Standard as I found with the Highway you can feel the diffrence because it is trs "type" rock.