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< All Fender Classic Player Baja Telecaster reviews
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Fender Classic Player Baja Telecaster
Fender Classic Player Baja Telecaster
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stof79 stof79
Published on 11/24/08 at 11:27
See previous reviews for details

Personally, I found the thick handle and above all a veneer (too) bright which gave the impression of being plastic: shame.

That made me a potential buyer noticed that when looking at the guitar above or below you could see the routing machines made in the body to the bridge pickup: it would have taken the few millimeter cendrillé or greater. I do not know if this is also true of other tele.

As against a big plus for the 4-position switch (the fourth being the two pickups in series) and the posibility to put the pickups out of phase 2: 6 different sounds


The action is high asses, too much for my taste. So not super clear in the acute

Well, upon receipt of the guitar had to adjust the jumpers so that the guitar is just harmonically.


on the other hand so good, whatever, output level feeble but hey it's vintage!

Otherwise it sounds great in clear and crunch. I have a big weakness for positions with the two pickups out of phase.


Ben I sold because the output level too low for me and the action which may be adjustable.