XILS-lab LX122 Rotary Speaker Emulation Plugins
NewsXILS-lab announce the availability of its LX122 and LX122 Premium rotary speaker effects plug-ins.
XILS-lab Oxium Available
NewsXILS-lab announces the availability of Oxium, its newly-launched soft synth.
XILS-lab Oxium
NewsXILS-lab has announced Oxium, a new performance synthesizer plug-in for Windows and Mac OS X in VST, AU and RTAS formats.
XILS-lab Le Masque: Delay
NewsMusic software company XILS-lab announces availability of its first effects plug-in — in collaboration with Le Lotus Bleu (Laurent Bourgeon).
XILS-Lab Announces Le Masque: Delay
NewsXILS Labs have come together with Le Lotus and applied their knowledge to Le Masque: Delay.
XILS Social Media Sale
NewsXILS is having the the first annual, "hey is this thing on" social media sale.
XILS-lab Synthix + Pre-Order Group Buy
NewsXILS-lab has announced Synthix, a virtual synthesizer instrument for Windows and Mac inspired by the Elka Synthex.
XILS-lab Synthix Unveiled
NewsXILS-lab is working on a new polyphonic synthesizer.
XILS-Lab Xilsitics
NewsXils-Lab releases Xilsitics, a collection of 160 presets for the virtual modular synthesizer XILS 3
XILS-Lab PolyKB II Player
NewsXILS-Lab has introduced the PolyKB II Player, a fsynthesizer plug-in.
XILS-lab PolyKB 2.0.1
NewsXILS-lab has released version 2.0.1 of PolyKB.
XILS-lab PolyKB II
NewsThe PolyKB mk II is described as "a recreation of a very rare and very powerful polyphonic synthesizer released in the 80's."
XILS-lab XILS 3LE Updated
NewsXILS-lab has updated XILS 3 Limited Edition (LE) to version 1.0.7.
XILS-lab PolyKB
NewsXILS-lab has updated PolyKB to v1.0.1.
XILS-lab Updates XILS 3
NewsXILS-lab has announced that updated versions of XILS 3 are now available.