A USB 3.0 Apollo Twin Duo for Windows
Hot newsUniversal Audio announces the release in October of a new Apollo Twin Duo desktop audio interface with USB 3.0 connection, but for Windows only.
Review of the Audient iD14 USB audio interface
Written testA little over two years ago we reviewed the iD22, the first ever audio interface manufactured by Audient, an English brand well-known for its consoles and mic preamps. Considering the crossover to th…
Universal Audio models the AKG BX 20 reverb
NewsNewly released UAD Software v8.3 adds a simulation of the AKG BX 20, a late-60s spring reverb.
Apogee interfaces include Waves bundles
Hot newsApogee and Waves have partnered to offer Waves bundles to new purchasers of the Duet, Quartet and Ensemble audio interfaces.
The Audient iD14 audio interface is out
NewsAudient is now shipping the new iD14 audio interface and monitoring controller that they introduced at Musikmesse a few weeks ago.
Audio Damage Odio release and promotion
NewsSpecial priceAudio Damage announced the release of its Odio Eurorack USB audio interface as well as a special flash sale on its virtual instruments and effects.
[Musikmesse] PreSonus Studio 192
Hot newsMusikmessePreSonus introduces at Musikmesse the Studio 192, its very first USB 3.0 audio interface equipped with XMAX mic preamps.
[Musikmesse][VIDEO] New Universal Audio Apollos
Hot newsMusikmesseUniversal Audio introduces at Musikmesse a new generation of Apollo Thunderbolt 2 audio interfaces as well as an Apollo FireWire.
[Musikmesse][VIDEO] Audient iD14 and ASP800
Hot newsMusikmesseAlong with its iD14 audio interface and monitoring controller, Audient introduces at Musikmesse a new version of its ASP mic preamp.
[Musikmesse][VIDEO] RME Babyface Pro
Hot newsMusikmesseOur team was among the first at the RME Audio booth at Musikmesse 2015 to discover the new Babyface Pro USB audio interface.
[Musikmesse] Audient iD14
NewsMusikmesseAudient adds a new model of ID audio interface and monitoring controller that is introduced today at Musikmesse, the iD14.
[Musikmesse] The RME Babyface goes Pro
Hot newsMusikmesseRME introduces at Musikmesse a new Pro version of its Babyface USB audio interface, which will replace the first generation.
A MADI module for the uTrack24
NewsCymatic Audio will launch this Summer a MADI expansion module for its uTrack24 USB audio interface.
Free Cymatic uRemote app for the uTrack 24
NewsFreewareCymatic Audio offers uTrack 24 users a free iOS app that allows for remote control of the audio interface via WiFi.
Mutec MC-1.2 digital audio interface and converter
NewsMutec announces the availability of the new MC-1.2 USB digital audio interface and AES, AES3id and S/PDIF converter.