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Steinberg Cubase 4

All user reviews for the Steinberg Cubase 4

General Sequencer from Steinberg belonging to the Cubase series

(13 reviews)
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Users reviews
  • GoldofranceGoldofrance

    Steinberg Cubase 4Published on 06/05/08 at 05:28
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    No problem for the instalation. Quick and simple.
    no incompatibilits my knowledge
    clear enough configuration.
    The manual is very clear and comprehensive. Personally I have a little trouble knowing what I REALLY need. Especially since I do not know still all therm.
    I think to training or so, I look for people who are able to come to Paris to give me advice and respond some questions.



    I have a mother HT External Fast Track Pro card, the software works well but I have a little problem perso because if I sing too loud cel saturates quickly (this is not a problem but the microphone a problem of the software.) and if I put strong moin th…
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    No problem for the instalation. Quick and simple.
    no incompatibilits my knowledge
    clear enough configuration.
    The manual is very clear and comprehensive. Personally I have a little trouble knowing what I REALLY need. Especially since I do not know still all therm.
    I think to training or so, I look for people who are able to come to Paris to give me advice and respond some questions.



    I have a mother HT External Fast Track Pro card, the software works well but I have a little problem perso because if I sing too loud cel saturates quickly (this is not a problem but the microphone a problem of the software.) and if I put strong moin the entrance microphone, the Instru hide my voice. And if I bassie all. The quality of Sound is exellent but the music is not strong enough. Finally I'm still beginner and my rglages are not yet well developed.
    Otherwise, configuration etc me stable air.
    If there Parisian who know them really well and who want to educate myself a little. They contact me. rexiste@otmail.fr
    Thank you.


    Since 2weeks.
    I like the fact that cel is simple to use. For now I use the basics of options. But it is quite logical as software. Claire relatively quickly learns.
    for the price, I did well to invest. No problem for me.
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  • bhomasselbhomassel

    Steinberg Cubase 4Published on 11/27/08 at 04:58
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Full software allow do absolutely anything you want.
    The interface is friendly, vsti offer an infinite number of its modular to infinity ...
    Thereby limiting you is your imagination, or your PC if it is not powerful enough to support all vst.
    I offers training:
    Pro trainer, sound engineer and musician gives during Mao (Cubase and ProTools) for beginner or a home or home:

    To be able to master configuration, composing his songs (any style), record players (regardless of the instrument) and do the mixing and mastering to have a finished product.

    - Installation, configuration and optimization of your confi…
    Read more
    Full software allow do absolutely anything you want.
    The interface is friendly, vsti offer an infinite number of its modular to infinity ...
    Thereby limiting you is your imagination, or your PC if it is not powerful enough to support all vst.
    I offers training:
    Pro trainer, sound engineer and musician gives during Mao (Cubase and ProTools) for beginner or a home or home:

    To be able to master configuration, composing his songs (any style), record players (regardless of the instrument) and do the mixing and mastering to have a finished product.

    - Installation, configuration and optimization of your configuration.
    - Apprehension or deepening of Cubase (SX3, studio4, 4 ....) or Pro Tools (HD, LE, CT).
    - Composition, sequence, sampling ...
    - Use of all the instruments, effects and treatments VST and RTAS.
    - Sound recording techniques.
    - Mixing: Working on frequencies, dynamics, space, depth ...
    - Mastering: multiband compression, harmonic exciter, limit, maximizer ...

    The price is € 45 for a course of 2 hours.


    Full software allow do absolutely anything you want.
    The interface is friendly, vsti offer an infinite number of its modular to infinity ...
    Thereby limiting you is your imagination, or your PC if it is not powerful enough to support all vst.
    I offers training:
    Pro trainer, sound engineer and musician gives during Mao (Cubase and ProTools) for beginner or a home or home:

    To be able to master configuration, composing his songs (any style), record players (regardless of the instrument) and do the mixing and mastering to have a finished product.

    - Installation, configuration and optimization of your configuration.
    - Apprehension or deepening of Cubase (SX3, studio4, 4 ....) or Pro Tools (HD, LE, CT).
    - Composition, sequence, sampling ...
    - Use of all the instruments, effects and treatments VST and RTAS.
    - Sound recording techniques.
    - Mixing: Working on frequencies, dynamics, space, depth ...
    - Mastering: multiband compression, harmonic exciter, limit, maximizer ...

    The price is € 45 for a course of 2 hours.


    Full software allow do absolutely anything you want.
    The interface is friendly, vsti offer an infinite number of its modular to infinity ...
    Thereby limiting you is your imagination, or your PC if it is not powerful enough to support all vst.
    I offers training:
    Pro trainer, sound engineer and musician gives during Mao (Cubase and ProTools) for beginner or a home or home:

    To be able to master configuration, composing his songs (any style), record players (regardless of the instrument) and do the mixing and mastering to have a finished product.

    - Installation, configuration and optimization of your configuration.
    - Apprehension or deepening of Cubase (SX3, studio4, 4 ....) or Pro Tools (HD, LE, CT).
    - Composition, sequence, sampling ...
    - Use of all the instruments, effects and treatments VST and RTAS.
    - Sound recording techniques.
    - Mixing: Working on frequencies, dynamics, space, depth ...
    - Mastering: multiband compression, harmonic exciter, limit, maximizer ...

    The price is € 45 for a course of 2 hours.
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  • The bubThe bub

    Steinberg Cubase 4Published on 12/10/06 at 14:15
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Install the update to Cubase SX 3 for 4: no pb.

    Cubase 4 can be installed in a totally different directory, and continue to use SX3 independently.

    Internet required for updating the dongle.

    Comes with a manual handling and a "detailed functions" already very complete PDF + for even more specific topics on the disk.

    For my part, I find no stability problem. I even noticed that pieces that buggie systematically for the loading SX3 with an unknown cause was successfully opened with Cubase 4.


    ASUS P5GD1 + PIV 3.5 Ghz + 2 GB Ram + 2 160 + dd table tascam FW 1082.

    I find no apparent change on the stability of soft compared to Cubase SX3, computing…
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    Install the update to Cubase SX 3 for 4: no pb.

    Cubase 4 can be installed in a totally different directory, and continue to use SX3 independently.

    Internet required for updating the dongle.

    Comes with a manual handling and a "detailed functions" already very complete PDF + for even more specific topics on the disk.

    For my part, I find no stability problem. I even noticed that pieces that buggie systematically for the loading SX3 with an unknown cause was successfully opened with Cubase 4.


    ASUS P5GD1 + PIV 3.5 Ghz + 2 GB Ram + 2 160 + dd table tascam FW 1082.

    I find no apparent change on the stability of soft compared to Cubase SX3, computing performance seem the same.

    That is to say that with this config, you can saturate the process with three sessions VSTi very greedy (type of food lovers in NI). But with more sober plugs, no pb.

    However, the app is very stable, crashes are extremely rare, and only met pbs are most often the wrong setting (like ASIO buffer too low)

    The interface is greatly improved, and Vsti plugins come with the software are much more convaicants and a new classification system for VSTi preset 2 is ... eq window was enlarged Top ... All this seems more ergonomic and more flexible. I'm not talking quantities of new features that I have not had the opportunity to test.


    Use for a little less than a month. The continuing evolution of software, always towards greater control and greater ease in creation. Of course, we must qd even taking the time to explore the features of the beast.

    The transition to the new version is a natural for users of Cubase, one step closer to the summit.
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  • Danidani72Danidani72

    Steinberg Cubase 4Published on 12/07/06 at 22:40
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    - Problem-free installation
    - Yes, the old plugins,
    - Yes
    - Yes

    by user against so hard deuis recorded pro 24! I see:
    Version 1.0 new unstable normal it silent
    Version 2.0 stable
    stable version 3.0 with bug control houston! no particular crash
    unstable version 4.0, still bug houston! and fault protection on the edit score, also with regard to the tonality of the partitions, I wish you happy .... wav edition of bugs, slow on loading, it is quite a machine and a lot of muscle memory, if not train .. I am in my Athlon 2800 2 GB of RAM and yet ... So big dception about stability. Each time must restart cubase. I find the interface too dark my taste. Other standard backup Cubase…
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    - Problem-free installation
    - Yes, the old plugins,
    - Yes
    - Yes

    by user against so hard deuis recorded pro 24! I see:
    Version 1.0 new unstable normal it silent
    Version 2.0 stable
    stable version 3.0 with bug control houston! no particular crash
    unstable version 4.0, still bug houston! and fault protection on the edit score, also with regard to the tonality of the partitions, I wish you happy .... wav edition of bugs, slow on loading, it is quite a machine and a lot of muscle memory, if not train .. I am in my Athlon 2800 2 GB of RAM and yet ... So big dception about stability. Each time must restart cubase. I find the interface too dark my taste. Other standard backup Cubase 4 will not allow you to read more files in Cubase 3.0. !
    I know dj c'tait the case before it would be nice t allow that.


    ASUS A7V8X, Athlon XP 2800
    samsung 2 gigabytes memory
    Echo Layla 24 sound card latest driver
    performance just my opinion
    instability with cubase 4


    Conclusion: do not migrate to Precipitation Occurred, expect the next updates. The book version is the correct dernire end of September. So there is still no set days now j'cris o
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  • Chris DewitteChris Dewitte

    Steinberg Cubase 4Published on 12/18/06 at 08:28
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    The installation was hooked once I start again then it worked perfectly.
    No incompatibility but twice interrupted and then blue screen (scared). I rebooted and I ended up uninstalling SX3, then it s'avra that this was the solution.
    I looked forward to this new version of Cubase, not that j'tais mcontent the previous version only lead to more dj silent and stable and everything, but the promise a lower consumption of CPU power is always welcome!
    The Cubase which plague (I shut up) about the lack of a printed manual will be filled since the gap is filled by dsormais prsence a large mode use of 664 pages clear and Designed.


    My hardware configuration: E …
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    The installation was hooked once I start again then it worked perfectly.
    No incompatibility but twice interrupted and then blue screen (scared). I rebooted and I ended up uninstalling SX3, then it s'avra that this was the solution.
    I looked forward to this new version of Cubase, not that j'tais mcontent the previous version only lead to more dj silent and stable and everything, but the promise a lower consumption of CPU power is always welcome!
    The Cubase which plague (I shut up) about the lack of a printed manual will be filled since the gap is filled by dsormais prsence a large mode use of 664 pages clear and Designed.


    My hardware configuration: E 6400 on Asus P5B Deluxe
    1 GB RAM
    DD 150-GO Systm (WD Raptor)
    DD samples of 300 GO
    DD 300 GB FW samples (VSL Horizon library)
    EGO System Wami Rack 192 X
    With such a configuration, I have no problem of power but Cubase 4 is yet more space in RAM, 2 GB seem to me essential, otherwise the loading of the project, the software will remind you that the amount of RAM is insufficient .


    I possde this new version for two weeks, and despite some dsagrments I suffer from (a never happened to me with software Steinberg), I am satisfied plutt This new Cubase. The pros: nice interface darker less aggressive to the eyes, the least resource consumption CPU, the new plug ins (the maximizer), the intelligent management of audio samples ...
    The -: consumption of more RAM, the few bugs that remain correct (like, press Ctrl + Z in the partition editor APRS saying a note and the software warns you that a problem me ...), so serious has arrived the compatibility of antrieurs VSTi 2.4 is a source of instability.
    I'm a fan of Cubase since version 5.1, I went through all the updates and up level: I never regret it and I trust the team that Steinberg rglera quickly the bugs on his youngest. I felt that the software had to adapt his environment hardware and software and has found its point of stability. Sr Although, I also had to adapt ...
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  • La YoOneLa YoOne

    Steinberg Cubase 4Published on 03/04/07 at 22:49
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    No problem to install, everything went well particulirement Droulez!
    Ms. upgrade the license has any possible concerns (something that seemed a little more complex)

    Little trouble against by the old plugs with sx3: my old projects to be reconfigured. So, in Council, upgrade and then go on preferences of nine.


    My conf:
    XP 64 3700 +
    1.5 GB RAM
    SD galore
    Soundscape Mixtreme interface in the table and mix DM24

    No problem of stability: 0 (yes, zero-) crashes since installation.

    I put 10 pts for the stability adquate perf n'tant little quantifiable and I did not feel any gain or loss


    I use it since January 2007, some…
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    No problem to install, everything went well particulirement Droulez!
    Ms. upgrade the license has any possible concerns (something that seemed a little more complex)

    Little trouble against by the old plugs with sx3: my old projects to be reconfigured. So, in Council, upgrade and then go on preferences of nine.


    My conf:
    XP 64 3700 +
    1.5 GB RAM
    SD galore
    Soundscape Mixtreme interface in the table and mix DM24

    No problem of stability: 0 (yes, zero-) crashes since installation.

    I put 10 pts for the stability adquate perf n'tant little quantifiable and I did not feel any gain or loss


    I use it since January 2007, some knowledge of studio, personal work, and really, it's a great product.

    J'apprcie ennnormment:
    <ul> the prrglages that save a lot of time
    the audio engine seems to me further: we can finally work on the infra low
    plugin EnvelopeShaper: excellent plugin that allows to isolate sounds based on their envelope, perfect to mix battery
    Certainly, the upgrade is a bit pricey, but well worth the money.
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  • Anonymous

    Steinberg Cubase 4Published on 08/04/07 at 05:16
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    - Installation is it without problem?
    The installation poses no problem. I installed smoothly on my laptop and my computer studio. Few minutes to install the program and the bank of the HALionOne, supplmentaires few minutes to install patches update, you plug the cl anti piracy and it works. Only inconvnient, TRANSFR cl between the fixed and portable for mobile use: not practical and scary to lose.

    - Have you experienced any incompatibility?
    All my old VST plugins work perfectly, I do not have directx plugins so the fact that Steinberg has abandoned these types plugins in Cubase 4 drang me absolutely not!

    - The manual is clear and sufficient? ...
    I did not touch the first textbo…
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    - Installation is it without problem?
    The installation poses no problem. I installed smoothly on my laptop and my computer studio. Few minutes to install the program and the bank of the HALionOne, supplmentaires few minutes to install patches update, you plug the cl anti piracy and it works. Only inconvnient, TRANSFR cl between the fixed and portable for mobile use: not practical and scary to lose.

    - Have you experienced any incompatibility?
    All my old VST plugins work perfectly, I do not have directx plugins so the fact that Steinberg has abandoned these types plugins in Cubase 4 drang me absolutely not!

    - The manual is clear and sufficient? ...
    I did not touch the first textbook "grip" because I know cubase. As against the (gros!) manual is complete and trs trs enjoyable, I read and reread.


    - What is the configuration of your computer? (Motherboard / CPU / Ram / Disk / sound card ..)
    Motherboard: P5BE more
    Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600
    Ram: 2GB
    HDD: 500 GB
    Sound Card: E-mu 0404 + m-audio audiophile firewire
    Win XP64 + Windows Vista Dual Boot

    - The software works he correctly on this configuration?
    Perfectly under vista provided to ASIO reset the launch of cubase. Nickel APRS, but happiness.

    - This software + hardware configuration is stable?
    Trs trs trs crashes rare with the latest patch update. Closing times cubase s'avre trs long without knowing why. Still some bug, j'espre they will be corrected in version 4.1 due out ending for.


    - How long have you use it?
    Since its release in September 2006.

    - What is the particular feature you like best and least?
    * User interface and "workflow" in gnral
    * The MIDI and audio editors
    * New effects (amp simulators, compressors ...)

    * Bugs need to know around
    * Provided the synths do not give me want to replace those I possde dja

    - Have you tried many other models before acqurir?
    I tried SONAR, Live, Tracktion, FLStudio, but I stayed since I use Cubase Atari era (we do not change a winning team)

    - With the exprience, you do again this choice? ...
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  • vinche999vinche999

    Steinberg Cubase 4Published on 12/28/07 at 01:24
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Installation point of view, nothing more simple, is not a problem.
    I'm on MacBook Pro OS LEOPARD and I had no compatibility problems up Submitted. Regarding the configuration of the same software in it, I had little trouble in the beginners in the sense that I work with the hardware and not plugins. Just take the time to read the manual to realize that everything is very well explained.

    Advice, you should read the manual with the software before the eyes ...


    My config is:

    - MacBook PRO
    - Processor 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    - SDRAM memory 2 GB DRR2
    - Speed ​​667 MHz
    - Hard drive 120 GB

    No worries of operation and stability o…
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    Installation point of view, nothing more simple, is not a problem.
    I'm on MacBook Pro OS LEOPARD and I had no compatibility problems up Submitted. Regarding the configuration of the same software in it, I had little trouble in the beginners in the sense that I work with the hardware and not plugins. Just take the time to read the manual to realize that everything is very well explained.

    Advice, you should read the manual with the software before the eyes ...


    My config is:

    - MacBook PRO
    - Processor 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    - SDRAM memory 2 GB DRR2
    - Speed ​​667 MHz
    - Hard drive 120 GB

    No worries of operation and stability of this configuration.


    I'm using Cubase 4 for 3 weeks and I go in the soft and I love it even if I almost dpart to sell it but again, do not like me and read the manual before. 4 REASON I LIVE 7 (for lives) and SAW Studio for mastering.

    The report price is good quality. When we see what was quoted at dpart, CUBASE, more than 1000 euros, you can not complain.

    Yes, I would do without this choice hsiter ...
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  • HugawHugaw

    Steinberg Cubase 4Published on 01/21/08 at 15:01
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Trouble free installation, very fast, etc..
    Once Cubase took over that rolls by itself. It is on the guy who never put his fingers in and that starts with that, it will be dropped a little. What should engulf the manual. But the guy who knows Cubase, no major changes (with respect to the interface and how to work)


    MacBook 2GHz 2GB RAM. FireBox.
    Not bad at the perfs.
    I find that it crashes often still a bit if you load (the past 2 / 3 bar CPU need to be careful)
    Following treatment VST3 is very clean, I would say quite effective (Envelope Shaper aaaaaaargh: love:). As against the synths are not transcendental ...


    Eh beh it…
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    Trouble free installation, very fast, etc..
    Once Cubase took over that rolls by itself. It is on the guy who never put his fingers in and that starts with that, it will be dropped a little. What should engulf the manual. But the guy who knows Cubase, no major changes (with respect to the interface and how to work)


    MacBook 2GHz 2GB RAM. FireBox.
    Not bad at the perfs.
    I find that it crashes often still a bit if you load (the past 2 / 3 bar CPU need to be careful)
    Following treatment VST3 is very clean, I would say quite effective (Envelope Shaper aaaaaaargh: love:). As against the synths are not transcendental ...


    Eh beh it's been almost one month I tackle it is mainly the large and VST3 audio engine, compared to Live (I was using before) it has nothing to do.
    I come more quickly to things that sound as the other software (without me throwing flowers eh), nan, but in general the "workflow" has been improved: it is ergonomic, comfortable, and it sounds (dynamics, clarity ...)
    Yes I would do without this choice problem, even under torture.
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  • Rémy M. (chimimic)Rémy M. (chimimic)

    Steinberg Cubase 4Published on 04/11/08 at 04:04
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    No worries, put the day of my old version SX3 makes no problem.

    Tural reports, with no projects in the crs antrieures versions of Cubase, if not (at the very beginners) NCESS of the few Redfin routing, and r activate some plugins NI through their center of CONTRL licenses, nothing mchant. After a few months of use, I am satisfied.

    Configuration gnrale
    Knowing his prdcesseurs, no problem particulire.

    Same as previous ones, I think fairly comprehensive.

    I greatly regret the withdrawal of Systm import old files in Cubase format All, I had a hundred that have not yet t imports, and had to r SX3 installed on another machine to be …
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    No worries, put the day of my old version SX3 makes no problem.

    Tural reports, with no projects in the crs antrieures versions of Cubase, if not (at the very beginners) NCESS of the few Redfin routing, and r activate some plugins NI through their center of CONTRL licenses, nothing mchant. After a few months of use, I am satisfied.

    Configuration gnrale
    Knowing his prdcesseurs, no problem particulire.

    Same as previous ones, I think fairly comprehensive.

    I greatly regret the withdrawal of Systm import old files in Cubase format All, I had a hundred that have not yet t imports, and had to r SX3 installed on another machine to be able to rcuprer renregistrer format and cpr.


    - Motherboard Asus P5AD2-E Premium (Intel 925XE)
    - Intel Pentium 4 - 560J - 3.6 GHz
    - RAM 4 x 1GB Corsair PC4200 DDR2-533 (3.25 GO REALLY use with this motherboard, let alone for XP)
    - OS WinXP Pro SP2, with no set date!
    - Hard Drive Seagate 300 GB IDE (Systm)
    - Hard Drive SATA Seagate 200 GB (plugins / audio virtual instruments)
    - Hard Drive SATA Seagate 200 GB (catches Audio / Vido)
    - Hard Drive SATA Seagate 200 GB (work Audio / Vido, Various)
    - Interface RME Fireface 800 audio card IEEE1394 controller DLink DFW500.

    The hair for my needs, rather modest compared with those of the pros ;-)

    As a does not spit all ct I do not ask. The Systm supports VSTi and the problem without treatment I need.

    Stabilitbr /> No problem until now.


    Ct partition editor, I find the note note entry more efficient than before, the notes are placed much more easily o the DSIR we almost need to watch fields of info position!

    I find Access in paramtres automation a bit longer with the Previous versions (more mouse actions), I must make myself.

    Quality price ratio
    Hard to say for updates, but I did not feel m'tre rolls.

    Yes, I would do this election if need silent.
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  • TrancelandTranceland

    Steinberg Cubase 4Published on 04/04/09 at 13:03
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    I had no difficulty in cubase, I blame only the fact of being obliged to open an internet connection only to register my cl activation. I prfr send it by mail or softphone


    Asus P5QC, 750 GB HDD, Intel Core 2 Quad 9300, 4 GB DDR2, PCI internal sound card m audio 24/192.

    no bug, stable and successful, fast processing, the latency-free nikel


    I'm using Cubase 4 for 8 months, difficult to take control of beginners as rather complex, I spent two months a bonfire night and day manual + 1 month for crafts. I recommend cubase active despite the lack of vst default, its price is in my opinion too expensive for the little vst and its sam…
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    I had no difficulty in cubase, I blame only the fact of being obliged to open an internet connection only to register my cl activation. I prfr send it by mail or softphone


    Asus P5QC, 750 GB HDD, Intel Core 2 Quad 9300, 4 GB DDR2, PCI internal sound card m audio 24/192.

    no bug, stable and successful, fast processing, the latency-free nikel


    I'm using Cubase 4 for 8 months, difficult to take control of beginners as rather complex, I spent two months a bonfire night and day manual + 1 month for crafts. I recommend cubase active despite the lack of vst default, its price is in my opinion too expensive for the little vst and its sample.

    (Allow the purchase of various vst and bought a board full rfx nexus and vanguard complete)

    Before I was on fl studio 8, more complete normment vst such as the legendary 8000 jp ect ... but sound quality cubase is the best and most suited for those who want to make music prpar professional or his album. Fl studio is for me a toy for pleasure.
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  • jekillerjekiller

    Steinberg Cubase 4Published on 10/26/09 at 17:13
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    no 8A upgrade installation problem in my case). Full manual trs. almost frightening the pav ...


    Macbook 2.2Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo. 4GB ram
    ts stable
    excellent performance of the software


    1 year
    most: prrglages that save so much time for prmix rude.
    the least ... certain sounds VST
    even if a bit expensive for what it is

    one was in the Cubase not found in newer versions of things that I found in old INTERESTED (including rverbs), etc ...

    However, I am happy with my trs Cubase 4, it makes me feel good service, and no plant ever ... I remake that choice tomorrow without hsiter
    Read more
    no 8A upgrade installation problem in my case). Full manual trs. almost frightening the pav ...


    Macbook 2.2Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo. 4GB ram
    ts stable
    excellent performance of the software


    1 year
    most: prrglages that save so much time for prmix rude.
    the least ... certain sounds VST
    even if a bit expensive for what it is

    one was in the Cubase not found in newer versions of things that I found in old INTERESTED (including rverbs), etc ...

    However, I am happy with my trs Cubase 4, it makes me feel good service, and no plant ever ... I remake that choice tomorrow without hsiter
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  • phraselandphraseland

    Steinberg Cubase 4Published on 12/11/08 at 11:11
    I own Cubase since its first SX installement. Up to that point I was never quite sure but since then I haven't looked back. I really like Pro Tools but I can't run it with my equipment. Logic I just don't understand and DP is not really that popular here in Switzerland.
    I think configuring Cubase is about as simple as any of the other recording applications out there. The manual doesn't really contain any useful information...too bad about the trees that were cut down for it.


    I just bought me a new Quadcore PC but so far I have used a pretty old computer. I am running Cubase with a MOTU interface however and the PCI card that connects between my interface an…
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    I own Cubase since its first SX installement. Up to that point I was never quite sure but since then I haven't looked back. I really like Pro Tools but I can't run it with my equipment. Logic I just don't understand and DP is not really that popular here in Switzerland.
    I think configuring Cubase is about as simple as any of the other recording applications out there. The manual doesn't really contain any useful information...too bad about the trees that were cut down for it.


    I just bought me a new Quadcore PC but so far I have used a pretty old computer. I am running Cubase with a MOTU interface however and the PCI card that connects between my interface and computer does a lot of the calculating.
    For me Cubase has been a reliable tool to record sessions with up to 24 tracks at once. I never had to worry about the stability and if something wasn't working anymore it always was some other software or hardware.


    I have been using Cubase for about five years now. Its biggest flaw is also its biggest asset: it simply has become to deep in functionality to be able to actually use it all. I don't care for the pitch shifting options too much and Steinberg could have given Cubase a function similar to Beat Detective without us having to do long editing.
    Besides that Steinberg is really good about udpates and new content for registered customers.
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