Waves Renaissance Axx - "Under-rated guitar compressor"
I purchased this plug-in as part of the Waves Gold Bundle. The Renaissance Axx compressor is a software plug-in to be used inside a DAW. Waves plug-in are easy to install and authorize. Their plug…
Waves CLA-76 - "Essential 1176 emulation "
Waves CLA-76 is a software plug-in to be used in a DAW. It is a simulation of the famous 1176 hardware compressor. It was modeled off of the actually hardware compressors owned by Chris Lord-Alge. T…
Waves H-Comp - "Decent Analog Compressor Sound"
The H-Comp compressor is a plug-in by Waves to be used inside a DAW. Installation of all Waves product is pretty easy. With v9, you no longer need an iLok, any USB stick can be used to run the soft…
Digidesign Smack Le - "A very ambitious plug-in that just ends up being normal"
You should have no issues installing or running this plug-in, all the controls are fairly self explanitory and laid out well, and if you are familiar with compression then you should be using Smack r…
Bomb Factory Essential Clip Remover - "A Strange Animal"
This plug-in is super easily instaled and typically free as well as having virtually no compatibity issues. It's one and only function is so easily accessible that all it has is a process button! SU…
Waves InPhase - "Great Utility When You Need It"
The Waves InPhase plug-in is easy to get set up and working. Installation of Waves plug-ins are as straight-forward as any other company. Once installed, it is simple to load in your DAW of choice. …
Chandler Limited EMI TG12413 TDM - "love this compressor"
The Chandler Limited EMI TG 12413 Limiter Native is a vintage compressor and limiter that can be used as a plug in with any DAW via VST. It cost 300 dollars and it is worth every single penny. The EM…
Bomb Factory Classic Compressors Bundle - "Classic Compression"
The Bomb Factory Classic Compressors Bundle can be used as a VST in any software program that you use to make and mix your music in on both Mac and PC platforms. All of the compressors in this bundle…
Universal Audio SSL G Series Bus Compressor Plug-In - "Great for MASTERING "
I have the hardware unit of this device. I have used it for 6 years and used SSL for 20 years. This plug in is very close to the $6,000 unit. I only use this for sub mixes and mastering. I don't u…
Bomb Factory 1176 - "The BOMB"
We use this everyday at my studio. I have the original hardware units so I can tell you it's close but not exact. For vocals it has a bit more colorizing than the SSL WAVES but for snare and toms I …
Digidesign DigiRack Expander/Gate - "Great Plug In"
We use this compressor all day at our facility. I like it as a second compressor in the chain. It does have a harsh compression and I use it on everything again, as a secondary compression. I like…
Bomb Factory PURPLE AUDIO MC77 - "Great if you know the origninal unit."
I have owned about every compressor made. I do use this plug in a great deal and most of what I like about it is the extreme compression. Hold SHIFT and PRESS all the RATIO BUTTONS and then open up …
Waves L3-16 Multimaximizer - "From Warm To Cool"
The L3-L16 is a 16 band limiter with EQ, and Maximization. It will give a very warm tone, or any type of tone you would want from warm to cool. It is an all in one mastering VST that can be used in a…
Digital Fish Phones SpitFish - "Free Useful Tool"
The Digital Fish Phones SpitFish can be for mono or stereo vocal tracks. This free VST has the tools needed to get those “S” sounds or “SHH” sounds out of the vocal mix and it does it very good for i…