The comfort of the performer - Part 2 - The ultimate guide to audio recording - Part 94
LearningSecond part of the chapter dedicated to the comfort of the singer when recording vocals. After discussing the place last week, today you'll see some really nice tricks that will allow the singer to f…
The comfort of the performer - Part 1 - The ultimate guide to audio recording - Part 93
LearningIn the previous article I mentioned the famous "comfort zone" of the singer. In the coming weeks we'll look into the material conditions around a vocal recording which are susceptible of helping the …
Singing or the art of performance - Part 4 - The ultimate guide to audio recording - Part 92
LearningTo finish with the performance question, today we'll discuss a somewhat particular topic which was inspired by a comment posted in the French forum by ex-Moderator in Chief, Will Zégal, in response t…
Singing, or the art of performance - Part 3 - The ultimate guide to audio recording - Part 91
LearningToday we'll continue exploring the art of performance with an installment that could be easily renamed into "Theatrics for Dummies." However, anyone who takes the time to put into practice these tips…
Taking care of the singer - Part 2 - The ultimate guide to audio recording - Part 88
LearningSecond installment dedicated to the things to do to prepare better for a recording session. Once again, certain things I'll write here might seem statements of the obvious for some of you. That said,…
Taking care of the singer - Part 1 - The ultimate guide to audio recording - Part 87
LearningToday we'll see how you can look after the singer during a recording session. Do note that for the sake of simplification, whenever I write "singer" in this chapter I will be referring generically to…
Recording vocals - The ultimate guide to audio recording - Part 86
LearningThis week we'll begin discussing one of the most important topics of this series: vocal recording. As you will see in this brief introduction, recording vocals correctly doesn't just mean putting up …
The art of dialog - Part 3 - The ultimate guide to audio recording - Part 85
LearningThird and last part of this interlude dedicated to dialog within the framework of a record production. Today we will look at this topic from the point of view of the home studio loner.
The art of dialog - Part 2 - The ultimate guide to audio recording - Part 84
LearningSecond part of this brief interlude dedicated to dialog within the framework of a record production. Last week I probably put the cart before the horse and this article should've certainly been publi…
The art of dialog - Part 1 - The ultimate guide to audio recording - Part 83
LearningBefore we start another chapter of this ultimate recording guide, I decided to write this article inspired by some comments to previous articles...
Punch In / Punch Out - The ultimate guide to audio recording - Part 82
LearningThis time we'll look briefly into a recording technique which is as old as can be. In fact, chances are you already know it, but a brief reminder never hurt anybody. Besides, it will be the perfect o…
Recording by parts - Part 2 - The ultimate guide to audio recording - Part 81
LearningIn today's article you'll see how to put into practice the recording by parts technique so that the end result is as natural as possible.
Recording by parts - Part 1 - The ultimate guide to audio recording - Part 80
LearningThis week I invite you to discover a technique that will allow you, in some specific cases, to significantly improve the quality of your recordings. As far as I know, this technique doesn't really ha…
Working with virtual instruments - The ultimate guide to audio recording - Part 79
LearningThe long chapter dedicated to recording electric guitar has come to an end. That said, the articles in the coming weeks will deal with topics that could easily be integrated into it. But I made the c…
Recording electric guitar - Alternatives - The ultimate guide to audio recording - Part 78
LearningEver since we started this series of articles, there's one thing we've repeated over and over again: the main flaw of almost any home studio is room acoustics. However, for some instruments you can b…