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Fender Classic Player Baja Telecaster
Fender Classic Player Baja Telecaster
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Juniper62 Juniper62
Published on 09/02/08 at 14:34
Telecaster made in mexico ... 21frets, 2 micro simple, custom shop ... mine is blonde vintage (the varnish is beautiful, very pleasant to the touch ... ^ ^)


Handle very nice, big as it is + on my strat standart (also Mexican), but it's confusing at first c rather comfortable.
access to the treble, gonna, be back after the thumb to go beyond the 16th (?) Cargo ... form, c of the TV, which look terrible, unusual ... the weight is correct, neither too heavy nor too light, perfect ...
the first time on my jl'ai ad100 heard sounded, I thought "how could I stay with my play as longtps strat standart ?!?", the sound is very versatile (6 distinct tones ... ) you can get a game very nuanced as mediator in the attack, playing with the knobs, distortion level, not as good c jl'aurais thought that rock, but by rehabilitating some settings, you come to rock it right well. For example, the harmonics ring on my bcp + Start.
small defects in the sound ... apparently the microphone are easily infected with the public lighting from 21h ... jdois virtually abandon play: /


Bah sounds ... I think there are more specialists than I do, I do not vmt vocabulary ... according to the positions, we will sound good crystal-clear sound with warm, colorful ... I rather use the switch contrary to what I read in some, especially with distortion. I use a Proco Turbo Rat, ca serious edge on the first position (the lower). On my ad100, it sounds differently on different models, I use bcp in AC30 mode or 2x12 black (these are the two I use +)


Jl'utilise for 4 days, I feel like I have always been, I was afraid to do foolish when jsuis emerged from the store with jl'ai but when connected home, I absolutely regret, the contrary, it motivates me to make further progress ...
basically it's a killer for the price, c the vintage, the class ^ ^
I had gone to buy a lite ash which is also a very good guitar, but for € 100 +, the seller advised me to try the same qd baja, it was love at first sight, I am the a qd mm good good windy this seller ... that's why I was afraid on and off with, but I think eyeGO to say thank you for being such scratches in the hands;)
if you want a very very good telecaster affordable, go for it, it's this one unless you are in retissant vintage ... nothing to envy to a Hwon or lite ash (although not compared because lovin they are modern +) c of the good, you will find very few negative opinions on the scratch, there qques minor defects, such as the wicked are not vmt precise, not easy to give c ...