Waldorf Blofeld Black Edition Released
NewsThe new black Blofeld is produced 100% in German Schwarzarbeit.
Waldorf Lector v1.0.1
NewsWaldorf has updated Lector to version 1.0.1, which adds 64-bit compatibility to all its Macintosh and Windows plug-in variants and contains the factory presets in VST3 and Audio Unit format.
Waldorf Lector Available
NewsWaldorf announces the availability of its Lector vocoder.
[Musikmesse] Waldorf Lector
NewsMusikmesseLector is based on the Vocoder plug-in which Waldorf created for the TC Electronic Powercore Plattform a few years ago.
Waldorf PPG Wave 3.V
NewsThe Waldorf PPG Wave 3.V is the reincarnation of the PPG Wave synthesizer.
Waldorf TechnoTrance Soundset for Largo
NewsWaldorf has announced that a new TechnoTrance Soundset for Largo from sound designer Rob Lee is now available in its Webshop.
Waldorf Minimal Electro Soundset for Largo
NewsWaldorf has announced a new Minimal Electro Soundset for Largo from German sound-designer Holger Steinbrink.
Waldorf Largo Synth Available
NewsThe Largo softsynth from Waldorf Synthesizers GmbH in Germany is now available at authorized MV Pro Audio dealers in the U.S. and Canada.
Waldorf Largo
NewsThe Largo Synthesizer should see the light of day inf May.
Waldorf Blofeld Keyboard
NewsWaldorf announced that the Blofeld Keyboard is shipping with a price tag of 879 Euro.
[NAMM] Waldorf Largo Virtual Synth
NewsThe Largo is a virtual instrument offering the same synthesizer engine as found in the Waldorf Q-, MicroQ- and Blofeld-synthesizers.
Waldorf MicroWave 2
NewsThe MicroWave II is a rackmount synthesizer with 10-voice tone generation, which features two oscillators per voice, two wave generators, a mixer, two serially-connected filters, a stereo amplifier, …