Recording drums — The toms - The ultimate guide to audio recording - Part 36
LearningToday we'll continue exploring the close-miking of additional drum kit elements that aren't necessarily indispensable, like the toms.
Recording drums — Hi-hat cymbals - The ultimate guide to audio recording - Part 35
LearningToday, we will continue the chapter dedicated to drums recording considering other close miked elements that aren't necessarily indispensable... It depends on the situation, as you will see. We'll be…
Recording drums — Panning - The ultimate guide to audio recording - Part 34
LearningLast installment of our brief detour from the recording drums articles. Should you think about the drums from the listener's or the drummer's perspective? Keep on reading to find the answer...
Recording drums - A matter of perspective - The ultimate guide to audio recording - Part 33
LearningToday I'd like to discuss with you something that goes beyond drums recording strictly speaking. Actually, what we'll see has probably more to do with the mixdown stage, but I think it's nevertheless…
Recording drums — First rough mix - The ultimate guide to audio recording - Part 32
LearningThis time I invite you to review the current state of your drums recordings. And I'll begin with a consideration that goes beyond the instrument at hand...
Recording drums — Kick drum mics - The ultimate guide to audio recording - Part 30
LearningLast installment dedicated to the kick drum from the chapter on recording drums. Up to now we have been focusing exclusively on our own audio clips, but I'm well aware that not everybody has access t…
Recording drums — The kick drum (Part 1) - The ultimate guide to audio recording - Part 28
LearningAfter having looked at the snare drum, we will focus today on how to close mic a kick drum.
Recording drums — The snare drum (Part 2) - The ultimate guide to audio recording - Part 27
LearningIn the previous episode we saw the ABC of close miking a snare drum. Today we'll take it a step further...
Recording drums — The snare drum (Part 1) - The ultimate guide to audio recording - Part 26
LearningNow that we've covered the Mono Room and Overheads tracks, the time has come for us to tackle the recording of the different elements of the drum kit with the close miking technique. We'll start this…
Recording drums — Last advice on overheads - The ultimate guide to audio recording - Part 25
LearningThis installment is the last one dedicated to overheads. Yes, I know four articles discussing that topic exclusively seems like a lot. But I insist, the overall result of a drum kit recording depends…
Recording drums — Overheads and the A-B technique - The ultimate guide to audio recording - Part 24
LearningAfter having seen the ORTF, XY and M/S techniques, we'll look now into two other methods to record drum overheads.
Recording drums — Overheads: the XY and M/S techniques - The ultimate guide to audio recording - Part 23
LearningAs I told you last week, there are several techniques to record the incredibly important drum overheads stereo track. We already saw the ORTF method and today we'll dive into the XY and M/S technique…
Recording drums — Overheads and the ORTF technique - The ultimate guide to audio recording - Part 22
LearningThis week we'll focus on, in my opinion, the most important track when it comes to recording drums: overheads.
Recording drums — Mono Room - The ultimate guide to audio recording - Part 21
LearningIn this episode we'll start discussing the recording of drums with what is usually called the Mono Room track, which is much more important than it seems...
Recording drums — Introduction - The ultimate guide to audio recording - Part 20
LearningToday we'll begin discussing a topic that will take us several weeks to cover: recording drums.