809 threads found
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- Rep 2Views 2261Dmurph05/07/2016 09:15
by Dmurpharticle reactions[Getting started] What is a Home Studio?Rep 0Views 652Los Teignos06/02/2016 13:03
by Los TeignosRep 0Views 459Vigneshwar Viswanathan06/05/2016 01:52
by Vigneshwar Viswanathanreview reactionsA Versatile and Affordable Tube MicRep 0Views 1180Mike Levine06/10/2016 14:03
by Mike Levinereview reactionsMystical AuraRep 0Views 1109Red Led06/14/2016 11:18
by Red Ledarticle reactions[Getting started] The Right Place for Your Home StudioRep 0Views 523Los Teignos06/15/2016 13:56
by Los TeignosRep 0Views 1174Martinetdesiles07/10/2016 11:47
by MartinetdesilesRep 1Views 1138TonyBruno07/17/2016 21:42
by djmylesarticle reactions[Getting started] Acoustic Treatment and Soundproofing for DummiesRep 0Views 573Los Teignos08/01/2016 04:43
by Los Teignosarticle reactions[Getting started] The top large-diaphragm USB micsRep 0Views 660Red Led08/03/2016 04:16
by Red LedRep 0Views 535Bram9808/16/2016 01:47
by Bram98review reactionsBack in whiteRep 0Views 1524Red Led10/03/2016 11:16
by Red LedRep 1Views 1837denisryan10/09/2016 11:01
by Dean HenryRep 5Views 1334Julia Davies11/04/2016 11:04
by angelieRep 0Views 1798Ezdul11/16/2016 11:59
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