TC Electronic Mimiq Doubler - "Create Multi-Tracking Effect and a Wall of Sound"
The purpose of the Mimiq Doubler is to thicken up your sound, often achieved by way of a slight chorus or slap-back echo, or more commonly (in the studio) by way of multi-tracking the same guitar par…
Fender Lead III - "My First Guitar"
First guitar, bought from my uncle. Used through an Epiphone tube amp, Peavey Bandit 112, on to later play it through a Line 6 Flextone head with a Mesa Cab. I played mostly blues and rock, and some …
Strandberg Boden Masvidalien Cosmo - "New 2018 Signature Guitar by Strandberg" FEATURES The Masvidalien Cosmo has the well-known Boden shape, unique with different features in sound/tone shaping. There’s a reason why I’m very fon…
BK Butler Tube Driver - "Has its moments"
Great pedal for a screaming solo or some other additions. However the distortion for a power chord sucks. Open chords with some boost sounds good. I can switch over to the EVH 5150 15 watt, and th…
Fender Vibro Champ "Blackface" [1964-1967] - "Versatile. Surprisingly loud when overdriven."
I got this amp in an equipment trade. Since it's a small amp, I expected to use it primarily for practice. It's about 14″ x 17″ x 7 1/2″. Six watts, eight inch speaker. Two inputs. Simple control…
Mesa Boogie Mark Five Head - "Simply the best"
There is nothing I can say to render the true beauty, excellence, sweetness, power, subtlety, tonal richness, punch and everything else of this amp. First impression: it is built like a tank, has as…
Rickenbacker 360/12 - "Disappointed. Sooooo disappointed"
This guitar is a beauty. It is definitely a eye catcher, and you can count on a superstar effect playing it on stage. As many otehr review rightfully state, this is the perfect tool to play George Ha…
Fender American Vintage '59 Stratocaster - "A precise-sounding, beautiful and nice Stratocaster"
I use this guitar with several amps : a Rivera R55-112 Fifty-five Twelve, a 1990s Laney LC50, and a Carvin Bel Air 212 (three great amps in my opinion). I occasionally play on a Peavey Classic 50. I …
Hufschmid Guitars Helldunkel - "Hufschmid Helldunkel with Exclusive Glowbuckers"
I have owned this guitar for about 3 months now. The builder Patrick Hufschmid is nothing short of a perfectionist when it comes to build quality and the final details that make a guitar a cut above …
Celestion G12 Neo Creamback - "A precise sound, with a "thank you" note from my back"
I ordered 2 Celestion Neo Green back from my favourite UK speaker dealer. This is the 16-ohm version. Here are its main specs: Nominal diameter: 12", 305mm Power rating: 60W Nominal impedance:…
Yamaha SE211 - "1986 Yamaha SE211 Electric Guitar Red"
This is an incredibly simple, yet well-built guitar. Despite the simplicity of the design, it has a very sturdy, lightweight design. This particular guitar fell face first off the guitar stand and su…
Laney LA35C - "Cheap and efficient"
I bought it to complement a cheap rig for a few gigs as a guitar/voice duet. I’ve used it with a Cort AF510E and had the opportunity to hear a martin junior and a seagull played on it during gigs whe…
Rickenbacker 620 - "A terrific instrument!"
I use this Rickenbaker 620 with an ibanez TSA30H tube amp (a very good small amp that I can only recommend), and I mainly play rock. Excellently built: solid maple, neck-through construction. Qualit…
Fender American Standard Telecaster Matching Headstock - "Elegant-looking – and, most important, great sounding!!!"
Which amplifier and/or effect(s) do you use with this guitar? I’ve used it with a Marshall DSL50 and currently with a VOX MV50 AC with analog pedals (Trex Nova Comp, Trex Moller Tube Screamer, MXR…
Maton EM425/12 - "Great sound projection and articulation"
First of all, I bought this guitar when MATON announced they wouldn’t make this model any longer (possibly after they decided to stop using Queensland walnut for their guitars). I possibly bought the…