Dave Smith Instruments Mono Evolver Keys - "The Synth that ate my brain!"
This synth has to be best invention Dave Smith has created under the DSI incarnation! The keyboard's action is top-notch and incredible aftertouch responsiveness, which on a machine in which you can…
Dave Smith Instruments PolyEvolver Keyboard - "pricey"
This Electronic Keyboard has a ton of sound on it that I think are spectacular. It is probably one of my favorite poly keyboards. The bad thing about this keyboard is that the price makes it un buy a…
M.F.B. Synth Lite 2 - " Everything is cheap ... except its"
translatedWhat type of keyboard (synth, piano ...)? There is none. It is a pure expander table. What controllers (pitch, modulation, sustain ...)? Just look at the manual and posts below ... What conne…
Dave Smith Instruments Evolver - " The ptite that goes"
translatedFor the technical part, see previous reviews. It is a single but has four oscilloscope thereby expand the sound. This is a synth, everything is done. UTILIZATION This is a point that must medit…
Ensoniq ESQ1 - "Born in the USA"
translatedObviously, the ESQ1 falls into the category of "big" synthesizers. Besides being one of the few hybrids - three digital oscillators and analogue filter EMC 3379 - it has four envelope generators and …
Casio HT3000 - Jay f.'s review
translatedCasio synthesizer, 5 octaves. Auto Accompaniment. 4 parts: drums / bass / accompaniment / lead. Keyboard splittable into 3 different points. Editing sounds. Backup on an optional memory card. …
Dave Smith Instruments Evolver - " surprising machine"
translatedmono synth rack. with 8 knobs for editing. I midi control via the keyboard of my R3. no worries. UTILIZATION good, 8 knobs for machine as full, at first it's a little scary. But you get u…
Mutable Instruments Shruthi-1 Polivoks - " The Shruthi-1 with the filter Polivoks"
translatedFor most of the features I already say things in my opinion on the Shruthi-1. Focus instead on the specifics of the model, ie essentially the filter more aggressive and less "round" than the stand…
Mutable Instruments Shruthi-1 4-Pole Mission Edition - " A selection of filters"
translatedAgain, generally speaking, I invite you to read my review of the Shruthi-1 "standard". I would focus on the specific model, again filter. The highlight of it is the richness of proposed configu…
Mutable Instruments Shruthi-1 - " Small, but mighty!"
translatedEverything is on the site of mutable instruments. A small expander has MoPn self-assembly, although some kits are arranged already mounted. Quite easy to climb, I had never touched a soldering …
Mutable Instruments Shruthi-1 - " Hybrid Kit futuristic retro"
translatedIt is a single hybrid module controlled by midi interface. At both oscillators has almost everything that was dared to digital in the 80s and 90 ... it's very typical and away from "analog modeling…
Mutable Instruments Ambika - " A beautiful analog hybrid"
translatedA little bulkier than its little brother the Shruthi-1, Ambika retains DIY philosophy, scalable and open source specific to this small French brand. The slight overweight, it's for a good cause: …
Dave Smith Instruments Evolver - " A magic box"
translatedsee specifications UTILIZATION I was still new to this kind of bike and what little we know just the basics of analog synthesis (coupled here with digital), it is a real treat, Quick Start and in…
Dave Smith Instruments PolyEvolver Keyboard - " dangerous!"
translatedOverall it is a hybrid analog / digital, with lots of knobs for direct control over the entire chain synthesis + integrated part sequencer. The PEK is actually the equivalent of four versions of th…
Dave Smith Instruments Evolver - " Fat!"
translatedmonophonic synth with sequencer Four oscillators, two digit a good analog filter delay and four LFOs UTILIZATION the manual is quite original, it is relatively simple (but in English!) SO…