Fostex VF16 - "Fostex VF-16"
I purchased this item from Mars Music For $799.99. I'd beel looking to move into the digital realm for quite some time and when the motor in my four-track refused to play at the same speed two takes…
Fostex VF16 - "Fostex VF-16 16-Track Digital Recorder"
I bought this unit as an open-box special at a local music store here in Memphis, Tennessee. I paid $699 (pre-tax) for it. Because it was a display model, it came without a box, manuals, or even a po…
Fostex VF160 - "Fostex VF160 Digital Multitracker"
The band I'm in decided that we wanted to record the music we have been working on for the last few years. We are all around 50 and felt like we should do it now before the arthritis gets us. We want…
Fostex VF160 - "Fostex VF160"
Mars Music, GA $999 First, you can record up to 24 hours of music without upgrading the hard drive. Built-in CDR, SCSI output, midi equipped, ADAT. Record up to 8 tracks simultaneously, 2 phantom po…
Fostex X-12 - "Fostex X-12"
I wanted something to lay down multiple tracks and this was the cheapest I could find. Paid $99 for it. Not bad at all for the price. I went to a friend's house who has a drum set and laid do…
Fostex VF16 - "Fostex VF-16"
I purchased my VF-16 from Musician's Friend 3 months ago for $799.00. I liked what I read about the unit before making my purchase I am really new to digital recording and I need the simplicity when…
Fostex FD-4 - "Fostex FD-4"
$600 (not including the media drive which is not included, I chose a 1 G Jaz drive) Digital recording is wonderful, even if its only four tracks. 4 track tape recorders can bleed across tracks, get…
Fostex FD-4 - "Fostex FD-4"
$600 (not including the media drive which is not included, I chose a 1 G Jaz drive) Digital recording is wonderful, even if its only four tracks. 4 track tape recorders can bleed across tracks, get…
Fostex VF08 - "Fostex VF-08"
I bought this at Long & McQuade music for $900 Canadian, which is about $600 USD. I got it to record myself and other musician friends of mine, in my bedroom studio. It sounds amazing. It's got …
Fostex VF16 - "Fostex VF-16"
I bought this unit online from KTJ music in Scottsdale, Arizona. I bought it from them because they had the best price. I paid $919.00. I need to upgrade from my Korg D-8 because I need more tracks. …
Fostex X-24 - "Fostex X-24 Multi-Track Recorder"
I bought my X-24 online at Musician's Friend and I paid 200 dollars. I was looking for something that I could use to record the millions of little licks and riffs that I come up with on guitar and ba…
Fostex X-24 - "Fostex X-24 Multi-Track Recorder"
I purchased the unit on the net from Musician's Friend for #299.00 to make some tapes on my progress in learning to play the classical guitar The unit with Dolby does provide an excellent sound qu…
Fostex VF16 - "Fostex VF-16"
Long & McQuade, Vancouver Canada $1900 CF Rugedness, sound, compressor on (6) tracks digital - built in, effects on all 16 tracks - 8 virtual tracks for a total of 24 - 14 hours of recording - phant…
Fostex D5 - rombautsdidier's review
translatedIn the studio for over 15 years he has served for a year dixaine but since I do everything in the box, I do not use anymore. This is the only DAT I got to the studio and I've always been happy. …
Fostex VF160 - cocolapin's review
translatedSee manufacturer's website 8 analog in, 8 in adat or 16 tracks simultaneous recording ... the best! UTILIZATION The configuration is fairly simple if you have the manual in French .. He must …