Steinberg Cubase 6 Review
Written testWhile Avid and Cakewalk launched the new versions of their respective flagship sequencers just before Christmas, Steinberg chose NAMM 2011 to present the wistfully awaited version 6 of Cubase. This n…
Steinberg Nuendo 5.1.1
NewsSteinberg has released a new maintenance update for Nuendo 5, the native audio post-production solution.
PropellerHead Reason Record Education
NewsPropellerhead released Reason Record Education for sale—new packages consolidating the Reason Record application suite at a special price for schools and institutions.
Sinevibes Dynamo
NewsSinevibes has released its Dynamo gate sequencer AudioUnit plugin.
Native Instruments Maschine 1.6 Beta
NewsThe public beta test for the upcoming Maschine 1.6 update has started.
Avid Pro Tools 9 Review
Written testIt was THE event at the 2010 AES show in San Fran: the launch of Pro Tools 9 took center stage and generated a lot of expectations. Pro Tools 9 is not merely a simple update. It is in fact a small re…
Image Line FL Studio 9.8
NewsImage Line has released a beta version of FL Studio version 9.8.
[NAMM] Steinberg Cubase 6 Video Demo
Hot newsNAMMNew Steinberg Cubase 6 Video on AudioFanzine.
[NAMM] Steinberg Cubase 6 & Cubase 6 Artist
Hot newsNAMMCubase 6 and Cubase Artist 6 are now shipping and will be available at dealers and in the Steinberg Online Shop for EUR 599/GBP 508 and EUR 299/GBP 253, respectively.
Mutools MU.LAB 3.2.5
NewsMUTOOLS has updated MU.LAB to version 3.2.5.
[NAMM] DarkWave Studio v3.2.4
NewsNAMMExperimentalScene has updated DarkWave Studio to version 3.2.4.
[NAMM] PreSonus Studio One Artist Deal
NewsNAMMPreSonus is celebrating the 2011 NAMM show by offering a deal on Studio One Artist.
Cakewalk Sonar X1 Review
Written testThe new Sonar version has arrived. However, instead of being version 9, it is named Sonar X1. Cakewalk actually decided to completely rebuild the interface of its sequencer. And it changes everything…
REAPER v3.74.
NewsCockos has updated REAPER to version 3.74.
MusE 2.0 alpha
NewsAn "alpha" release of version 2.0 of MusE is now available for Linux.